Friday, December 6, 2013

Mom your idea didn't work. I just got yelled at by Damien.

Monday, January 21, 2013

After the big break I moved and swiched schools.I like my new school.I have a new friend and she gos to the same school as me.I am having lots of fun!

My Friend Kayla

I am sitting with my bff  Kayla! Her favorite color is blue.Her favorite food is spegetti. Her favorite  book is cat and the hat . Her favorite game is dress up game.Her favorite music is slinagomas. Her favorite TV show is Wizards of Weverley Place.And that is my friend Kayla.Who is your friend?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Let's start

Hi! This is Liza Grace Yates. I post on my teacher's blogs for school, so I thought I'd make my own for my friends and family to reach. I've never created my own blog, but it sounded like fun... so I'm trying to figure it out! So... come back and visit many times because you know what cool things I will have figured out or changed. Plus I want to write a lot of blogs to keep everyone updated to what's going on in my life, my thoughts and my feelings. Feel free to leave comments after my posts so I've know you're enjoying my blog!

PS- My mom is helping me and monitoring everything here, so please be respectful! Thanks!